Steam reaches new playing record: But you have more healthy than gambled

For over 18 years Steam has been growing the point of contact for PC players and the platform and grows. So Valves Goldener registered a new record at the same time active users and users. But only a small part of it was at the gaming.

Steam reaches more gamers than ever before

Chinese Steam Explained

Valves Gaming Platform Steam launches the year 2022 with a new record. On January 2 was 27,942,036 users and users at the same time online. For weeks, the numbers have been rising on Sundays in new heights and exceeding the border of 28 million is probably just a matter of time. (Source: Steam DB).

Interestingly, at the time of the record only eight million gamers were active in a game. The remaining a good 20 million spent their time rather in the offering jungle of the winter Sales or with the letter of Kissinger reviews for games, of which they were diminished disappointed. A not insignificant part had probably just run in the background while you felt a game about one of the other three million launchers for the PC.

The winter Sale goes until January 5th:


Steam: Open World Milestone to the true bargain price

Mandy strut

Much of the players who actually have played something, distributed on Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Data 2, Player unknown's Battlegrounds: Battlegrounds (Yes, that means now really like that.), Apex Legends and GTA 5. The latest game from this list is therefore from 2019.

Since the start of the platform in September 2003 Steam grows steadily. Only the appearance of the Epic Game Store or Gog gradually broke the dominance on the market for digital purchases of PC games. Although every big publisher now has its own launcher with a shop, do without a steam release.

On the occasion of this record you can take a fun and look at Steam DB, how many users and users gave it to your Steam debut on the platform. I have my account since 20 November 2004, at the time there were about 200,000 gamers on Steam. Whether Lord gave since already dreamed of 28 million?
